Is the detoxification one of those things?


Active Member
Which is to say... do you believe there is a benefit to following a method of detox or is it simply one of those things you have to have faith in? I mean what scientific basis is there for the idea of detoxing outside of things like removing drugs from the body or saving someone from subcoming to poisoning? A lot of people would look at detoxification as something only cranks do... so what would you tell them in rebuttal?


Detoxification comes under the broader practice of complementary medicine, and so might not be fully endorsed by the medical professional. But hey, there are entire groups of people who swear by detox simply because they have benefited from it. There is even an international academy of detox specialists, which of course is aimed more towards chemical contamination and drug abuse. There are plenty of books written on the subject, with case studies of people who have cured quite a range of ailments simply by detoxifying their body regularly.
So, maybe our rebuttal to those who pooh pooh at us would be> "Have an open mind and try it for yourself before you disparage" :cool:


I do believe there is a benefit to detoxing. Our bodies are bombarded with toxins every day, even the air we breath is full of toxins. The body can deal with most of these toxins, but not all, and the toxins will gradually accumulate over time. Flushing out the toxins via a detox is beneficial.


I truly do not believe in the detoxing. I think when you take an over the counter detox it is pulling important nutrients your body needs from you. I prefer to detox with good old water, and lots of it. :)