I need energy


Can anyone recommend some kind of supplement or herb that helps to increase energy levels? It needs to be something that also doesn't effect the blood pressure and is easy on the stomach.


New Member
Hmm. There are lots of herbs and foods that can increase energy, but depending on the reason you need energy, it could just mask a more fundamental problem.

Fatigue and frequent tiredness is a sign of stress, either emotional or physical. Make sure you take time to rest and unwind, and address health concerns. Quite a few of my friends have had improvements in energy levels after diet changes. Me, my partner, and my friend Nathan all have much better sustained energy since we've stopped eating grains. Many people are fatigued from undiagnosed immune responses to foods they eat. This immune response can be exhausting to the body over time.

Besides rest and attention to overall wellness, there are many things that can help with energy levels. The most popular, caffine, works by blocking tiredness signals in the brain. It just makes it so that you don't feel tired. Mineral supplements help some people, electrolyte balance is important in energy maintenance. Other nutrients are important,too. A lack of B vitamins or iron can increase tiredness.
A tea like nettle is a good general tonic to improve vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Those food allergies I mentioned before can reduce the ability of people to absorb nutrients, so do look into that.
Many people have laggy times during the day due to blood sugar regulation issues. Notice when you are tired. It can tell you if food or adrenal fatigue(stress) is the problem. Smaller snacks throughout the day that include fiber, fats, and/or protein could help, if the issue is related to how or what you eat.

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Awesome answer! I too need more energy but I did not know what to do/take. I'm very against taking medication that will help with energy. I don't like to take/drink caffeine or caffeine supplements. Thanks for the information.


New Member
Yeah, I used to be tired constantly. I'd even try to drift off while driving sometimes when I was in highschool. Part of it was sleep apnea, I discovered. I don't have to worry about that anymore now that I sleep on my side and have eliminated grains from my diet. The immune response I had to them caused inflammation in my sinuses that made me stop breathing sometimes at night. It was not good.
Now I can actually breathe! All the time! Even when I get sick, I can still breathe through my nose, which is just ridiculously miraculous if you've never experienced it before.
Anyway, besides the sleep apnea, the inflammation in my digestive tract made it hard for my body to absorb sufficient nutrients as well. I've only been gluten free for a few years, and it has only been getting better the longer I stick with it. My energy and cognitive capacity is way better. I used to be super forgetful and spacy all the time.

I'm sure diet isn't everyones problem, but if it is, figuring it out can change your life.

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Well, from personal experience I can say that Vitamin D3 will get you going. Wake up, eat breakfast and take it after you eat. You are probably really low like the rest of the nation. Most people are deficient in this because they don't get enough sunshine. I take 4000iu per day and it protects me from viruses and bacteria as well.


I do have an autoimmune illness that makes me very allergic to bright light so I almost always have a D deficiency. I may try switching to a different brand of supplements for that.

As for the grains, I know many people that have went on gluten free diets and haven't looked back. They say they feel much better than they ever have. That could be something I look into doing, although, it is so expensive to try to maintain the type of diet I would like.

Thank you!