How Often Should We Detox?


I know detoxification is good for our bodies, but I'm a bit confused about the procedure. Should you take certain herbs daily, or is detoxifying using a combination of herbs over a shorter length of time recommended? If so, how often should you detoxify?


New Member
I am not an expert on this, but I have done a little reading. Hopefully someone who knows more will jump in.

Mostly, it depends on the type of detox you are doing. You can practice gentle daily detox methods. When I say gentle, I mean gentle on the body.

There are intense detox methods that you can follow that often take several days. These are harder on your body during the treatment, but help cleanse your body so should help in the long run. These should only be done every so often. I would consult a naturopath about these methods.


New Member
I have never detoxified before. What is the purpose of detoxification and what are the health benefits to our bodies? Are there any negative risks from detoxification?


New Member
I have detoxed many times before and after I felt fantastic. I was told not less that 4-6 weeks between detoxes, and they usually last 7-21 days as a rule.


New Member
I personally feel that detoxification is rather over played. I would recommend a simple way to detox the body. Once a week, just take only fruit juices and do not eat anything else. This system will keep you in good stead. You don't have to follow any detox sytems. Just follow this system and enjoy good health. Good luck.


I like taking one day and drinking nothing but juices! That seems like that would work really well without having to get a bunch of supplements and remember to take them.

I'm going to try this!


New Member
I think I am going to try this method myself Spock. Certainly doesn't seem like it could do you any harm as long as you aren't drinking juices that are too sugary.


New Member
I would suggest that you do one big detox session (good for 3 or so days) to eliminate hardened wastes in the body every 6 months for the first year. In between those detox sessions, do the juice thing weekly. Then do an annual detox for the second year onwards.


New Member
Once every 2 months or so, I like to drink nothing but water all day. It flushes out my system real good and helps keep my weight down.


New Member
I really like the idea of drinking nothing but juices or water all day (once in a while) to cleanse the body. I think this is something that I might start doing.