How Long Do Bars Last?


New Member
How long do homemade bars last compared to store bought ones? It seems like my bar is disappearing more rapidly than a regular one would.


New Member
Homemade bars are normally more "soft" than store bought ones, right? So more of the soap will slough off whenever you use the homemade bar compared to a store bought one. I think it's pretty normal for it to not last as long as a store bought bar, then. Mine usually last about a month, compared to maybe two months with a store bought bar.


New Member
It really depends on how long you allow it to cure and how you allow it to dry between use. You have to remember, a lot of the soap you buy has cured for quite some time between making it and selling it. It also travels in hot trailers that will cure it to some extent too.


New Member
It was cured for a month and just sits in the soap dish on the shower wall. I don't think it's disappearing too terribly fast but it was noticeable compared to a store bought soap. I just wanted to make sure it isn't a quality issue.