Herbs to Help Fight Cancer


New Member
Cancer has to be one of the scariest of diseases. I have a friend who just told me he has cancer of the brain. Another friend of mine used fresh juices to aid her body to be able to fight the cancer on it's own. She did have surgery but has now been cancer free for 8 years. Is there other herbs they could use besides the juices to help their body to fight the abnormal cells?


Good For Overcoming Cancer

Juicing is an excellent way to fight and overcome cancer!

As I understand it, what you want to do stay away from all the foods that are bad for you and eat super nutritiously. Okay, so that shouldn't come as any surprise. Our bodies need certain nutrients, and if they don't get those nutrients, the cells are bound to go haywire.

Eating foods rich in anti-oxidants and taking large amounts of Vitamin C is recommended by many, as is detoxifying your body to get the poisons out. Some reports say that asparagus is good for fighting cancer, and many different herbs and vitamins have shown cancer-fighting properties. Fasting has also been suggested. The web is full of information about foods, herbs and supplements that help to fight and overcome cancer.

A Cancer Battle Plan: Six Strategies for Beating Cancer from a Recovered “Hopeless Case” by Anne E. Frahm is a very good book to read for anyone diagnosed with cancer. It's been a while since I read it, but the way I remember it, Frahm was sent home to die because there was nothing more the medical "establishment" could do for her. She immediately started researching other "treatments" and overcome cancer through nutrition. Her book tells what she did to successfully overcome cancer.

I know I really didn't do much to give specific nutrients and herbs that can help, but it's been a while since I spent time researching the specifics of nutrition and cancer. I don't want to chance giving you wrong information.


New Member
I am not aware of herbs that directly cure the dreaded cancer. But, the food that is rich in anti-oxidants are eminently suitable for cancer patients. Regular intake of Vitamin C is also good. Some of the food that immediately come to my mind are walnuts and almonds. They are not only nutritious but contain antioxidant properties too.


New Member
I know when my grandmother was dying they told her to avoid sugar and red meat, both fueled the cancer. I also made her some detox teas made from burdock root and dandelion root.