Growing Rosemary


I'm thinking about growing some rosemary but am not sure whether to try and get a cutting from someone or just use seeds. What are your thoughts? I live in Florida if that makes any difference.


I have used seedsand starter plants to grow herbs, so I am not too sure about how well a cutting wouldwork out for you. I do prefer to get a starter plant from a local nursery. I have had good luck using these and it is much quicker than starting from seeds.


New Member
I've grown Rosemary before and have always used starter plants. You can get any size you want actually. It's not hard to grow and pretty hardy.


New Member
I'm going to try growing some herbs this year and I'm starting out with seeds for mine. I don't know much about growing herbs so I don't know how well a cutting would work.


I think getting the little seed packets is the best way. Or maybe the pots that are already ready to go you just add water and sunlight :)


Have a great day
I always start from seeds because it is cheaper. Most herbs are weeds, and can grow in most any conditions, and they have a high germination rate. I cannot see spending $3.00 at Home Depot when I can get a pack of seeds that will last me a few years for $1.50.


New Member
I usually buy the starter plants late in the season after they are marked down. That way I can buy several plants at a time. If the plants are given plenty of space and a little TLC, they almost always end up thriving and spreading.


I've only grown rosemary from the starter plants. I recommend getting one of those or the seedlings to grow from. I've never had much luck getting cuts of herbs to grow.


I have a friend that can get a cutting of anything to grow. Not me though. I always start with a plant and go from there. I grew rosemary several years ago but we had so much snow that year, it slid off my metal roofed house right on to the rosemary, broke it and killed it. Maybe I'll try again this year and put it in a different place.


I am trying to grow some things now. I might add rosemary to them. I am in an apartment. Sadly some wacko kid (I assume) took a lighter to my bonsai trees. They are little but it burns me up. Hopefully they'll just ignore any new plants.
I have used both manners. I have even bought plants before. The method which worked best for me and my garden was planting straight from seeds. Once I did this, it was easy for me to get the plant growing and it has even survived the past two winters.


New Member
I have never been successful with rosemary if I cut from someone. I am more successful when I buy a started plant from the nursery. We just moved into a new house and I'm wanting to plant rosemary in the front flower bed, I should really get on that. You guys are motivating me to do that this week!
I'm planning to grow Rosemary this year from seeds. It's so much cheaper and I can plant a good bit. This is a new venture for me so I guess we'll just have to see how it turns out.