Garlic Chives


This indestructible herb is one just about anyone can grow. My wife swears by it. They survive the summer heat and the winter. Once established they are always there ready to grab a handful to use with almost every meal. Soups, stews and salads are but a few. The plant is clump forming and grows to about 10" tall. The leaf is not unlike garlic but thinner and it has a perfumed star flower. It grows readily on the window sill or in the garden prefering well drained conditions. It's a plant to give a go.


We are growing garlic chives in the garden. Garlic chives are very good for you and a versatile cooking ingredient. My favourite way to use garlic chives is in pad Thai. They use Chinese chives in Thailand, but garlic chives are an excellent substitute.


Well I like the sound of this. I might give it a try in my window sill. Sounds like a nice herb to keep around your kitchen.


I like the sound of this one, too. I'll check into getting some for my little herb garden that is on my kitchen window sill. It would be really nice to have some fresh garlic flavor as part of the collection!


Why haven't I heard of this? It sounds like an herb that I would like for cooking, and I love that it is easy to grow. I'm going to have to keep an eye out the next time I hit a nursery.
Where would I start with growing garlic? I buy a lot myself and have ample room from growing if need be. I love to grow it both to save costs and to learn more about herb growing. I would assume they are not very space efficient though, garlic is quite low calorie.


I thought you could grow garlic from a clove. Have you tried this? You could buy a plant at a local garden shop. It would be great to grow your own and use it in dishes.


There are garlic chives and there is garlic. You do grow garlic from cloves. Buy fresh knobs of garlic. Look at the base and see if there are little protrusions. This can show that the garlic will grow. Garlic can be irradiated to stop it from sprouting. Plant in Autumn when the soil is getting cold. You can put it in the refrigerator for a couple of days to help it sprout. Plant it out 4" apart in rows a foot apart. It needs plenty of food early in the time it starts to grow.


Its so true! We slacked off watering our potted plant garden and the only survivors are the garlic chives! They came back from a week with no water and high temps. No clue how they survived.


All Lady
This has been on my to try list for a good while now, we love most other chives anyway so why not add another one to the table? I think the biggest thing is that its something the kids can help with in the garden, plus I really want to try them in some stuffing.