

New Member
Have you heard of epigenetics? The word means 'above genetics'. It's an idea that says we have more control over our health than many of us think. It proposes that what we believe, think, and feel has an influential effect on the activation, or not, of whatever genes we may have. Our thoughts and beliefs can turn genes off and on. I'm not saying this is absolute, but it's great to entertain new ideas once in a while.


It is food for thought jolee. The way we think and feel does play a major role in our overall health but I'm not sure we can change our genetic makeup. A good attitude and positive outlook on life will do more for our well being than anything I know.


I believe that what we believe, think and feel has a very large role in our health, but I don't believe that it somehow activates or deactivates genes. I don't believe anything can turn genes off or on - they're just there.