Eating Too Fast?


My cat threw up three times in quick succession yesterday morning. Her food wasn't very digested, and she has been fine otherwise, so I think she just ate too fast. I hope so, anyway.


That can happen, mine have done that before. You might keep a close eye on her though to see if she keeps doing this. You might try feeding her smaller meals throughout the day.


Sounds like that is the cause. My cats do the same! They gobble their food so fast. I swear they think we are going to take it away. I would just watch your cat to see if he gets sick again.


Some cats make a habit of that. It sounds like yours does not. It could be just a one-time thing. It could be that she has a hairball she was trying to get up. But it could also be that she ate too quickly.


She does it on occasion (maybe a few times a year?) so I'm a bit used to it, but it's still annoying. I swear I won't take your food, cat!

Cat puke is the grossest thing. I can handle human puke better than cat puke.


Oh, this is why I don't want another cat, although I really love them. I just don't like the habits they acquire sometimes. Our last cat really made a mess. I wish there were something called rent-a-cat to make sure you got a good one.


All Lady
Rent-a-cat would be great until the kids get attached to the pet. I know our older cat has done that a few times but this is why cats (like us) should eat smaller more frequent meals to avoid trying to huff it down in one go.


Every once in awhile my cat will do this. It seems to happen when he has been super hungry or thirsty and has eaten his food a little too fast or gulped down too much water too quickly.


My oldest cat does that when she gets a hairball. I usually will go get some hairball remedy at the store and give it to her. The bad thing is she doesn't like it, so I have to rub it in the hair on her front legs. She will then lick it off and gets the medication that way.


Over my whole life of having dogs I never managed to get so used to the sight of vomit and pee as in the two years of having cats. Cat threw up? Must be a day that ends with "y." But once both my cats had it so bad they threw up blood and later it turned out I had cat food from a contaminated series. I couldn't sleep from worry, so many cat illnesses have vomiting as a symptom.


My cat does the same. It's like a race to see which cat can finish their food first. One of them always pukes it back up. Most of the time it looks just like food and they try to eat it. Gross!


How has your cat been? My cat does this from time to time too. I took him to the vet to be sure it wasn't something more serious. I heard that cats that get leukemia throw up often and I wanted to be sure it wasn't that.


Sometimes our cat gets really excited when we introduce a new flavor of canned food. We only give him a little bit of canned food each day as a treat and to break the monotony of his kibble.

Cissus Experts

New Member
My cat eats really fast too and has thrown up undigested food in the past. The messiest part is when she starts to eat (dry food) and shakes her head making the food go all over. I think cat's innately eat fast and they digest fast too. If it's only a few times a year that they get an upset stomach than it's nothing to worry about. You can get some good digestive enzymes if it lasts a few days.

Cissus Experts

New Member
Sometimes our cat gets really excited when we introduce a new flavor of canned food. We only give him a little bit of canned food each day as a treat and to break the monotony of his kibble.
Man, my cat will only eat 1 type of food. I moved her from Thailand to the US this year and we don't have the same food I was giving her (probably full of malomine). I had to introduce her to new food and she didn't take it for about 3 days. I got really worried and went out and bought 3 more types of food. Luckily she took a liking to a healthier food. But I am not trying to change her food at all.


All Lady
Our oldest cat started this back up again and we chopped her meals down smaller again but more frequent. Last week she had two days that were just horrid for her and me too since I got to clean up the mess. Have you had any luck yourself?


The cat has been doing pretty well; thanks for asking. She still occasionally eats too fast and pukes but it's not very frequent and you guys have been reassuring, so I don't worry as much anymore.


You can slow down the food gulping by separating the food out on a plate (cut it up or spoon it out). If it is dry food --- try using a larger bowl and putting the food down in one layer so the cat has to work for it.