Dry Body Brushing


New Member
After reading about its benefits, I bought an all-natural body brush that is meant to be used before taking a bath or a shower. It helps to improve circulation, remove dead skin, and helps to exfoliate your skin and detoxify your body. It only takes about five minutes of your time, and it feels fantastic! My skin feels so warm and refreshed afterwards. I recommend it to everyone who's looking for an easy, inexpensive way to detoxify and cleanse their body!


I have never heard of this. I usually exfoliate in the shower with a one of those shower scrubber doo hicky's. I can't remember what their called. I keep thinking sponge but I know thats not right. I am having what is called a senile moment. lol My skin usually feels great after. I also rub my skin down with a bath oil and towel dry vigorously.


I have a friend who does this. I've wondered if it is worth doing. Where do you get the brush? Is it expensive? I've never understood how it helps to detoxify. Can you explain a little more?
It's not expensive. I got my brush for maybe 10 bucks, at Whole Foods, I believe. Ask an employee and they will direct you to where they can be found.

It works by stimulating the lymphatic fluid to move throughout the body. I do this a few times a week at least, but am trying to get into the habit of doing it every morning before my shower. It feels amazing! It's very stimulating, you will feel your body "wake up" in a similar way to if you were bouncing around or dancing for a few minutes. It's awesome.


Interesting! Do you do this instead of using the body scrub or in addition? I love to exfoliate and will have to give it a try. Can you describe the brush so those of us without whole foods can try locally?
Google "dry skin brush" and you will see a bunch of them. :)

I am currently experimenting to see if this will help remove cellulite. I don't have much, but I can see a few places where it will get worse as I get older if I don't do something. I already exercise and my diet is perfect so there isn't much I can do other than topical treatments. I'm thinking increasing circulation to those areas will be a good thing. I'm just doing my normal brushing all over and then concentrating for a few extra minutes on my butt/thighs area.


Thanks! Please update on your cellulite experiment as I have some that causes me concern too. Your thought process makes sense to me and I hope it works.