Detoxing Dangers


Although detoxing can be good for your health, there are dangers associated if you improperly detox. Improperly detoxing can actually make your body more toxic because most toxins are stored in your fat cells, more than in your blood cells! When you begins to detox, you're pulling these toxins from your fat cells and into your bloodstream, where they travel to your vital organs and can harm your health. Watch this video on how to detox without harming your health. (This is not a referral link). I found this information in my email.


Thanks. I too have read similar reports. Recently, even clay-based detox plans were found to be dangerous. The UK Food Standards Agency published a warning that there were high levels of arsenic found in some of these clay-based detox supplements being sold in the open market.


Thank you for sharing this information. I think when detoxing you should always make sure its done correctly, because you could increase your chances of becoming ill. I try to use mostly herbal remedies as a detox and use half or a quarter of the dosage recommended.
This is why it is very important for anyone who wishes to begin the journey of detoxification to change their diet and lifestyle first! Preferably for a good six months to a year prior to doing any sort of detox. I wish someone had told me this in the beginning. I wasted so much time and money on detox programs while I was still eating bad food, drinking, smoking cigarettes, etc. It was just so stupid.

Now I've spent the last few years undoing the damage of all that, and I am finally able to detox gently without harming my body more. Diet and lifestyle are the key. People should think of them like a foundation for a house. You can't build a healthy house on a foundation of rocks and broken glass. Once the foundation is better, you can begin tearing out the walls and laying new drywall, etc. (I love analogies, hehe).


Great points. Even more mild procedures can release some of those toxins. That is why you should always drink a lot of water after getting a massage and after chiropractic treatment. The water helps to flush some of those released toxins out of your system.
Yes, definitely. I never knew that about massages, but I've gotten a few good ones from my boyfriend and my friend who is a massage therapist, and I was amazed at some of the detox reactions I've had afterwards. We store so much in our muscles. Not only toxins, but emotions too. I've had the craziest things happen while getting massaged, such as flashbacks of memories from over 20 years ago appearing in my mind clear as day! I just have to stop and think, "Wow...why was that there? Why was I holding onto that? What does it mean?" It's very strange.