Depression from no job


I am at wits end with my hubby. He hasn't worked at his real job in a while. He is getting mean! Saying hurtful things and blowing up for no reason. There is no physical abuse going on... would be gone so fast. He won't go to doctor either! Driving me crazy! Depression??


I'm sorry that your husband is making you all miserable. Does he feel guilty for not providing for the family? Maybe he needs to feel needed? I remember that when my father was unemployed, his self-esteem was terrible. Keeping his hands full with work around the house seemed to help him somewhat.


All Lady
Has he attempted to talk about it to you or anyone for that matter? It can be a very touchy situation when this happens, and when you are dealing with men. Men tend to be quite stubborn about doctors and money, when they need both at the same time it makes me think you are dealing with double trouble.


No, he is not talking about it. He seriously thinks he is doing nothing wrong. It is like it is everyone else is to blame! Not him! Makes me so angry!


I think men have it worse than women do when it comes to being out of work. A woman who doesn't have a job seems to be more accepted in society than a man who doesn't. She comes across as "wise," "lucky" and as a "domestic goddess." He seems to attract words like "bum" and "loafer." It doesn't seem quite fair. People are more understanding with the economy these days. I wish you and your husband well.


It seems like your husband is having a rough time, and I am afraid that at this moment you need to be more patient than ever. Not having a job can indeed be a big blow to his ego.