Cleanse for weight lose


New Member
I see many people getting sucked into the hype of cleaning only to lose weight, like those crazy diets that come up every few months and take so many over. New mothers, those who have battled with weight for years. When are people going to wise up that you should not over indulge to start with then look for a quick fix.


New Member
Yea, I've seen those too. Losing weight by way of what is basically a laxative is not a healthy practice. Cleansing is a good idea now and then to get the bad stuff out of our bodies, but along with the bad goes some of the good, so it needs to be practiced in moderation. Not as a solution for quick weight loss.


New Member
You can lose weight with a cleanse but not a cleanse alone and you do not have to fall for the hype. You have to follow the cleanse with proper diet and exercise. A good cleans is by juicing your own vegetables and drinking nothing but that for a couple days.


New Member
I never seen an issue with a good cleanse but I do see issues when people are out on the market that are trying to diet and lose tons of weight but expect it to happen over night.


New Member
I've seen a lot of salons around here selling these kits that are basically what Galileo was talking about - glorified laxatives. I fast a couple times a year and drink nothing but homemade vegetable stock, but that's different than a lot of the stuff that is being sold commercially. These kits are filled with supplements and teas that really do nothing more than make you go to the bathroom a lot.


New Member
I think a person just has to be sensible about a cleanse. They can not get wrapped up in the latest craze. Instead they have to look at their own body and find what works best for them. I also agree that you have to include a lifestyle change with it.


Chillin Under SummerLight
eat oat meal and high fiber stuff to clean out your body and if you want to lose weight have 6 small meals a day, it boosts up your metabolism and makes your body work and in a few days you'll see and feel the difference, depending on your body type but eating 6 meals a day is how anyone can get slim and not hurt your body.