Christmas dangers


I thought we could remind each other of the dangers to our pets during the holiday season. The main one we always hear is not to have tinsel in the house with cats. I think tinsel is fairly out of date anyway.

Are live trees a danger to cats? How do you keep your pets from eating ribbons?


I do love that old-fashioned Christmas tinsel. We grew up with it, and we had cats. I don't know that any of the cats ever ate the tinsel, although I've heard the same story. We had chocolates and dogs, too. Are we that much more careful now than we used to be?


Tinsel is terrible for cats. I don't think live trees are a danger at all. I think some Christmas plants are a problem though. My cat once climbed my tree and knocked it over. Some of the decorations and ornaments broke but my cat was fine.


All Lady
Our cats are notorious for trying to climb the tree no matter if it is a real one or a fake one, it is a tree to them and must be abused. We started with spray bottles a while back and that has helped. Last year the only decoration that broke was due to human error.