Chlorophyll as a body regulator


New Member
We all know that chlorophyll is the the one that helps plant synthesize sunlight and helps plants get energy. Quite similarly, it helps our body become more healthy and energized.

The benefits of regular intake of chlorophyll are: high oxygenation of the cells, regulates sugar levels, detox from toxins, liver cleansing, deodorizes the bowels and helps to eliminate bad breath and most importantly, it is being studied in the fight against cancer.


New Member
i can't

I have heard of the benefits of taking chlorophyll. But as it turns out I am allergic to it. Just being around green things makes me feel bad and I live in a green place. Doh. I plan to move to the desert. So I could never take it internally because who knows what would happen.


New Member
How do you ingest chlorophyll though? Just eating green plants or something or is there a synthesized form in pills? I would be interested in learning more about this.


New Member
@PEACE - You mean you do not even eat vegetables? This is the first time I have heard of chlorophyll allergy. How were you able to diagnose this?


New Member
Thanks walker

When I was a kid I had all kinds of problems. I get these huge dark circles under my eyes. I really look like I have two black eyes all the time if I am around to much chlorophyll or ingest to much. I found out because I went and had extensive allergy testing due to being miserable. My doctor happened to have tested for it. I can eat green veggies in small amounts but like say its green out and the grass is cut and I eat a big bowl of spinach, well I am not a happy person and not a well one either.