Chiropractic Scans


New Member
I started seeing a chiropractor two and a half years ago. Since it's ongoing he is required to do periodically do diagnostic scans to measure progress. It's interesting to see areas of improvement as well as areas of stress showing up. He can tell by looking at the scan the type of activities I've been doing. It's impressive really. Does anyone get scans at their chiropractor?


I didn' know that they did scans! I don't go on a regular basis so that maybe why I have not heard of them before. It would be good to see the improvements first hand. It is pretty amazing he can tell what type of activities you have been doing by looking at the scan results.
I haven't been to a chiropractor for a couple years (haven't needed it, knock on wood), but I used to work for one and yes, scans are very informative. I think it is a very beneficial tool in terms of being able to see where you are improving and where you may have to focus your attention. I am glad that your chiropractor takes the time to use it, as many do not!


I used to work for a chiropractor that used several different scans to diagnose and track progress. On their website, there are explanations of scans and it can be found at I'm not trying to spam as their business is very region specific; just want to get you your answer!