Chicken pox


Lol I am such a poor diagnostician. My boys all got sick a few days ago with mild fever and sore throats. My 7 year old came up to me with what look like a red ant bite on his ear. i poped it and put some antibiotic ointment on it. Never making the connection. lol Then he complained that he was itchy all over. I knew the kids had been playing outside and I figure since we have allergy's to many things that they were just havig a histomine response and hives. lol So I gave them an antihistomene and sent them to bed. lol My 16 year old came to me this morning and said mom I think this is not hives. I actual stopped and looked at him and discovered him covered in chicken pox in various stages. lol So I sent my husband out for calamine and hydrocortizone cream. Poor babies. The girls all had chicken pox years ago . I guess the boys have never had it before. Since I homeschool they usually don't get exposed.Are there any other treatments that you know will help?


Active Member
Wow... well you homeschooled them so no wonder you gave no thought to Chicken Pox. I'm sorry the 16 year old got it so late, it'll suck a lot worse for him. Um, a sort of bland diet is okay since appetites genreally aren't good with the Pox. Oatmeal baths and clamine lotion help with the itch, and cocoa butter helps with preventing scarring. You may want to get some children's tylenol for the fever.


Tea trea oil is good for chicken pozx. My son had chicken pox when he was 3, we bathed him in tea tree oil (a few drops in the drop). You could also use aloe vera to prevent infection and lavender oil is good for skin ailments like chicken pox.


Oatmeal baths are supposed to be really good for Chickenpox, and LOTS of Calamine lotion. As rare as chicken pox seem to be these days I don't know why you would have made the connection. ;)