Cabbage Soup diet


Does anyone still use the Cabbage Soup diet for quick weight loss? I really feel like I just need a jump start to get on the right track so I am thinking about trying it. I haven't done it probably 15 years, but it used to work.


Hmm, I don't do this. I like eating. I don't think it's enough variety. I think a homemade veggie soup is good though. I workout and need a bit more calories to sustain me.


Eating just one type of food to lose weight is never a good idea. Weight loss should be accomplish in a healthy manner, not by doing whatever is the fastest. Cutting excessive calories will only put your body in the starvation mode, which will slow your metabolism. At first you will lose weight, but it will just be water weight. Soon you will become weak and malnourished. Is losing weight really worth destroying your body? Fat loss takes exercise and a healthy, balanced diet.


Its the first time I've heard of Cabbage soup diet. I usually hear about south beach diet which i think mainly suggest fruits and vegetables. But then as my physician said, diet isn't enough to have a good health. one will still need to work out.


I have heard about this diet. It's an old diet, but I never tried it. The people that I know who tried it loved the results. I never tried it because I don't like cabbage. Hopefully, you will get what you're looking for.


New Member
Does anyone still use the Cabbage Soup diet for quick weight loss? I really feel like I just need a jump start to get on the right track so I am thinking about trying it. I haven't done it probably 15 years, but it used to work.
Cabbage is actually really good for you - it's apparently is loaded with Vitamin C. But I would strongly advise against a diet that only allows for one type of food. You will find yourself low on energy and will end up feeling quite bloated and uncomfortable. What you need is a balanced diet. I would recommend the following:

1) Don't think of it as a diet!
2) Eat smaller regular meals through the day rather than three large meals.
3) Try and eat SOMETHING raw with each meal (any fruit or veg). It should amount to a minimum of five portions a day. Cabbage is actually great to have raw. Just add some salt and lemon juice!
4) Drink plenty of water. It's the body's natural way of cleansing itself.
5) Exercise! Even if it's just going for a walk everyday. Whatever it is - do it.
6) Do not sleep immediately after a meal - leave at least a couple of hours.

I'm not saying anything new. And it's actually quite a simple plan to follow. Diets that tell you what not to eat or to count your calories should be avoided in my (humble) opinion. Just be in tune with your body and know what foods suits you and when you've had enough.


Cabbage is not great eating raw if you have digestive issues. Raw cabbage can cause constipation. A good way to incorporate cabbage into your diet is sauerkraut. The fermentation breaks down the cabbage and provides lots of friendly bacteria.


I have heard about the cabbage soup diet, but I would never advise anyone to try a diet that only allows the consumption of one food. I think you should decrease your calorie intake and try to incorporate more fruits and vegetables when eating.


New Member
I have used the cabbage soup diet before and it works well. You are not eating just cabbage. The soup actually has a lot of vegetables in it, but the main ingredient is a head of cabbage. You also get to have meat, fruits, and vegetables. The only thing you are really not able to have for the seven days is grains and sugar.


I don't. I haven't heard of anybody in recent years using it either. People don't seem to like cabbage all that much. I really don't think it's a good idea to use some silly diet like this, though, either.


I have done this several times and although the soup smells good and tastes good for the first couple of days, I soon tired of it. I began adding other items to the soup like meat and potatoes which just totally defeats the purpose. I don't think I could eat a single bite of that soup today. Had enough.


It is great for quick wight loss . It gets rid of water and cleans out your colon. I know that cabbage is low in calorie as well. I am not sure that I would use it long term. As a boost I can't see that it would hurt. The docor in the 17 day diet used it as part of the diet. That worked fast as well for initial weight loss.


Have a great day
I love cabbage and have tried this in my youth. Do not remember the results. On a side note, and something I found out recently is cabbage, especially cabbage juice is good for ulcers. Sadly the recipe I found for the juice takes a few days. Wish I would have learned that earlier.

And another side note, I love to take a cabbage from the garden, quarter it, place it on some tin foil with some butter and spices and grill it up for a little bit.


I've done it before but it's not my favorite way to lose weight. I have just learned to use moderation in my diet to help me keep things in order.


I am only on day three and I have lost 5lbs all ready. I do realize that some of this is water weight, but I am doing it as a jumpstart to a lifestyle change. Some of us need quick results for a little encouragement. :)


After reading a bit about it, I wonder if this is a better thing to do for maybe three days to jump start your diet. It seems to be good for cleansing, but would not be something I would stay on for any length of time. Would peoples thoughts change if it was a diet for a short time?
It isn't a "diet" that allows only one type of food. It's meant to be a cleanse, done for a short time only.

I've never tried it personally, but my own diet is pretty much cleansing all the time. Soups, salads, and proteins. I'm on a modified version of the Paleo diet. It works wonders.

Anyway though, soup cleanses like this are basically a step above juice fasting. I honestly think juice fasting would be a better option for you if detoxification and getting a jump start on a healthier lifestyle are your goals. If you are going to be denying your body a regular diet, you might as well go all the way into a fast and give your body a proper rest.