Braces at 7?


Does anyone else think that it is odd to put braces on a 7 year old? A friend of mine told me that she was taking her daughter in to have them because her front teeth are really messed up. I would think that it would be better to wait until she was a little older and had all of her grown up teeth.


The dental community seems to push braces earlier and earlier, but I am not convinced it is the best move. I think a lot of people assume "the earlier the better". However, I have seen my kids' mouths change over time. So something that is a problem at 7 may not be the same problem or as much as a problem at 16. I also do not like the way braces are starting to be seen as something necessary, instead of cosmetic.


I have a cousin who is now 11, and about a year ago, her dentist suggested that she wear braces. When her mom took her to another dentist, they were told that getting braces wasn't the best option that time. What I am saying is that maybe your friend should think about it and consult other dental care professionals. I read somewhere that starting early does not necessarily work for every child.


No way! She wouldn't even have all of her permanent teeth yet. It sounds like a waste of money to me. They sure do push you at a younger age these days.


I that's too young. You have to wait until all the teeth are in and see what they're doing naturally. You could very well do more harm than good otherwise.


That is exactly what I though everyone! She doesn't have all of her permanent teeth in yet and even if they just do the front ones, when the back teeth come in, it could throw them off again.


You normally can't do braces until around 12 years of age. If your friend's orthodontist puts braces on her 7-year-old, he's a doctor I would highly avoid as he's unethical, at the very least.