

New Member
Is Acupressure similar to acupuncture? Are they done the same way and is it as useful, better or worse than acupuncture? What are the key benefits?


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Acupuncture uses needles that puncture the skin. Acupressure does not puncture the skin, and uses pressure, usually through fingers.

You need to have a license to practice acupuncture, where acupressure some people just learn through books. I'm not sure if they need a license to practice acupressure or not in the states.

Acupuncture requires great accuracy, yet may be quicker to relieve the problem. Sometimes toxins in the body may be released also creating some side effects. Acupressure has fewer possible side effects and is more similar to a deep tissue massage.


New Member
Acupressure is quite different from acupuncture. In acupuncture, needles are used where as in acupressure fingers are used to press the vital points on the body. In acupuncture, needles are used to puncture certain parts of the skin. Acupressure is less painful.


New Member
I wonder how hard it is to learn acupressure, does it require courses like acupuncture? I think it may be a useful skill to learn. Does anyone know of online courses you could take on this subject?


New Member
I've never heard of acupressure, it sounds a lot better than acupuncture.. I've heard of the benefits of acupuncture, but needles terrify me! I can't stand them when I need to get blood drawn, so I can't imagine having all of those needles on me.


New Member
I also would prefer acupressure than acupuncture if I needed to be treated either way. Similar to you, I hate needles even if they didn't hurt you.


New Member
The words acupressure and acupuncture are used synonymously. But, both are different. Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages. One can use whatever is beneficial to one's thinking and acceptance.


New Member
I am afraid of needles of all kinds so I use Acupressure. I have a book about it and I do it with my partner before we go to bed. I will try to find it and tell you guys what it is called.


New Member
I would be interested to know how it went. I want to try this but my wife is not a real willing participant, maybe I can convince a friend to let me experiment on them.


New Member
Acupressure is like a massage. The difference is that there are pressure points which corresponds to the different parts of the body that are pressed during the massage. Sometimes a foot massage can equal to a full body massage using acupressure.