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  1. T

    How do you feel about doctors?

    Sometimes you have no choice but to trust them and hope like everything they aren't as stupid as they act. I am very cautious about doctors. I have only one that I trust wholeheartedly and she has move 70+ miles away. She is the only one I know who will admit she doesn't know something but she...
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    My lawn doesn't get flooded with chemicals and I have plenty of dandelions. I usually pick them and wilt them with hot bacon grease. I usually toss in a few green onions cut up before I pour the hot bacon grease over them and they are delicious. I've heard they can make you sleepy but I haven't...
  3. T

    Is it now confirmed?

    I don't use my cell phone enough to have any risk at all. I hate carrying the thing and I hate using it even more. I don't use it enough to even have a plan. I use a pay for minutes phone and I still have over 3000 minutes left.
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    Soap smell

    No, it really shouldn't smell like anything but the scent with a bit of soap smell under the top notes of the scent. The shops that have all of the scented stuff make my nose stop up and I can't smell anything. It's like having sensory overload.
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    Yucca Root To Wash Hair

    I've heard that Native Americans in the Southwest used to pound yucca roots up to make a shampoo. I wonder if this works really well, does anyone know? I would rather use a natural plant than to use the chemical stuff.
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    Sweet pea plants, poisionous to dogs?

    I agree with the fence. I don't think a dog would go to the plant to chew, but you never know. Better to be safe than sorry. There are a lot of plants that are toxic to our pets.
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    Nature's Guardian Spot On Treatment

    I'm trying this out on my cats this month to see how it works. It's by Sergent and I am anxious to see how it does. It has quite a few essential oils in it including some clove oil, lemon grass oil and several other that I can smell and that they've listed on the package. The advertisement says...
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    FDA has seized birth tubs

    I think they're out of their ever loving minds, that's what I think. If they haven't figured it out yet, there are numerous ways to take care of our bodies. Next they'll be regulating home gardens. Good Grief.
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    shepherd's purse seeds

    I'm pretty sure it's "Mountain Rose". Thanks for the link! Nice selection but it's a bit late in the season for me to start anything new. I have sage and basil coming up along with peppermint and a bit of dill weed. Gotta have the dill for canning pickles. :)
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    Today might kill me

    Ugh! I don't live where the humidity is that high but it's high enough. It's like trying to breathe through wet cotton. I suggest everyone stay in the air conditioning today and limit the amount of door openings to the minimum.
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    FDA has seized birth tubs

    Oh Good Gravy! The government again shows itself not to have sense. You could use anything for a birth tub. It doesn't seem like they know what they are doing once again. I would love to see them just once have a bit of common sense.
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    Growing Herbs Together

    Well, as the title of the book states, roses do love elephant garlic. You should see my friends roses after she planted elephant garlic around it. It's very nice to see how things work in synergy with each other.
  13. T

    What are you treating for?

    We use a product called Nature's Guardian that uses essential oils to repel fleas, ticks and mosquitoes. I hate to give all of those chemicals to the animals when I don't feel comfortable using them myself. The flea "spot on" treatments say not to come into contact with it after you've put it on...
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    Drawing Salve

    Tazlina-that's an old standby for me. We also used "Eagle Eye Salve" which was kept behind the counter too. I know when my sister's fingers used to crack during the dry winters, Mother would get the "Eagle Eye Salve" and use it on her and it worked like a charm.
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    Healthy Snacks

    I love low fat cream cheese with celery sticks. Yumm. It's one of my special treats and I eat it at night when I want a snack. I have to be careful with my cholesterol though, thus the low fat cream cheese. Have you tried pears and sharp cheddar cheese? You can also do apple slices and sharp...
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    Growing Herbs Together

    I have the book "Roses Love Garlic" and it's really quite informative. I was just wondering if there are certain herbs that grow together better than others. Does anyone know?
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    How Long Does Lavender Last

    I haven't had very good luck with lavender for some reason. I've planted it almost every year and it will die. I am hoping I have a good start of it now though. It's growing quite well. NLMomma-I would be very tempted! :)
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    I hate to use bug spray and I have always relied on Avon Skin So Soft diluted in water and sprayed on skin. You could also take a bath in it before you go out. It works for me.
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    How do you handle vaccinations?

    In our state, you can't send a child to our public schools unless they are fully vaccinated. I haven't heard any better argument for home schooling, personally. I don't like all of the vaccinations and the complications that could and do happen.
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    Sassafras Root

    I've always heard that you should drink sassafras tea in the spring time to "thin your blood". I'm sure it doesn't do that, but does sassafras do anything for your health besides taste good?